Before getting into the tips, we give you three very important suggestions: Look for your digital marketing strategy to be carried out by a team or an agency that masters numerical analysis and analytics, using platforms and technology. It is not territory for freelancers or for someone who “ halfway ” understands the subject or a recently created agency to do it. Just as you wouldn't go into a pitched battle with.
Caliber pistol, you won't want to implement a business strategy with a supplier that doesn't know how to rely on data. The Big 7 of the world already dominate the searches and there are other firms fighting for a Digital Marketing Service position. Google pages are full of firms wanting to stand out and any firm that wants to participate in that league must have a continuous x-ray of the digital market.

A diagnosis and an audit help to take a current picture and establish an improvement plan, but the market is dynamic and diagnosis and improvement must be continuous. Address the effort from a medium and long-term strategic point of view, with continuous feedback loops . The market is dynamic so it is executed, measured, diagnosed, audited, improvement is implemented and it starts again.